

In the sports news recently, are stories about the United States charging the governing body of FIFA with corruption.  FIFA (pronounced fee-fa) stands for Federation Internationale de Football Association (that's French for World Soccer Organization).  Its main job is to determine the rules of international soccer and, every four years, put on the World Cup competition to determine the champion of the soccer world.

Since soccer is the most played sport in the world, the World Cup is a really big deal...And, since almost every country really wants to win the World Cup, lots of people go to these matches...And, as a result, it is very valuable to be the host of one of these World Cups...And, because it is valuable, people are willing to pay a lot to get to host one of these World Cups...And, the old men in the governing body are offered lots of money under the table to vote for countries that want to be the host...And, some of them take the money...And, we call that bribery...And that is corruption.  Got it?

Now, the US Justice Department has spent a lot of time and money pursuing all over this world the men of this governing body who are getting rich handing out World Cup hosting rights to countries who offer them the most money.  Tsk! Tsk! No one should be surprised that this is going on.

I, for one, would prefer that the United States of America Justice Department look into United States of America politicians, namely Senators, Representatives and Presidents, who hand out favors in exchange for money.  The favors come in the form of votes and the money is usually clothed as campaign contributions. No one should be surprised that this is going on either.


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