

We've finally reached the Summer solstice last night.  I'm so relieved.  It's seemed like Summer for the past month.  Maybe it will ease up now.  These things have to even out . . . don't they?

My parents were married on this date in 1944 . . . in the same church that I was married in 22 years later . . . officiated by the same priest.

Well, the Cavs won the NBA title this weekend.  I was rooting for them halfheartedly.  My inclination is to root for the better team.  When the better team wins, it seems to me that the world is in order. Upsets are fun, but not in tune with the way things should be.  If I'm not sure who is better, I root for the finesse team.  I always root for finesse over power - it's my nature.  Cleveland manhandled the Warriors - the refs let 'em do it.

Dustin Johnson won the U.S. Open by a couple of shots.  He has the sweetest swing on tour and hits the ball the farthest.  If he could putt, he would walk away with everything.  I was glad to see him win . . . and glad to see his fiance' - Paulina Gretsky.  Zowee!

The Reds split with the Braves last week and lost two out of three to the Astros.  They started another new pitcher on Saturday - Cody Reed.  He didn't win but pitched very well for a rookie making his first start in the majors.  The Reds don't win but they are usually fun to watch.

Let's see; what else went on this past weekend?  Oh, yeah!  My Anniversary and Fathers Day.  Big, big weekend.  Now I rest.

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