

Are we going to build a wall?  Did you ever hear of Hadrian's wall?

Periodically, I relate in my mind what I know of the Roman Empire to the United States.  The Roman Empire began in 27 BC and lasted until 1453 AD.  That's a long time.

In the year 117, the Roman Empire extended further than any other time.  It encompassed almost all of what is now most of Europe, the middle East, and all of North Africa close to the Mediterranean Sea.  In that year, Hadrian was made emperor.  He ruled 21 years until 138 AD.

Hadrian, (his full Latin name was Publius Aelius Hadrianus Augustus) was worried about the Empire being attacked at it's furthest reaches.  The Empire included what we now call England but did not extend north into what is now Scotland. Hadrian visited this area early in his reign and became worried about insurrection and attack from the people who lived in the northern area of the island.   He called them barbarians.  He didn't want to allot a great number of troops to keep the peace at the border so he decided to build a wall.

They built it . . . from one side of Britannia to the other. It spanned 73 miles across the northern part of England. Most of it was made out of rocks. It stood about 9 feet wide and 16 feet tall.  Because of the terrain, in a few areas, it was made of dirt and in others it was a moat.

Did it work?  Why did I think of it this weekend?  God bless DJT.

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