

. . . people often confuse the Baltic States and the Balkans or Balkan countries.  The Baltic States are in northern Europe - the countries of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia.  Each borders the Baltic Sea.  The Balkans are mountains in southeastern Europe.  The peninsula on which they sit is called the Balkan Peninsula.  The countries included in the Balkans are Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro.   Also, parts of the following are on the Balkan Peninsula:  Croatia, Greece, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey.

. . . SPF on your sunblock stands for Sun Protection Factor?  It's very important.  Don't leave home without it.

. . . the hardest of all animals to kill are the tardigrades.  The name tardigrade means water bear.  They have eight legs and live in water.  Ever heard of them?  Ever seen one?  Most of these little guys can only be seen with the help of a microscope.  They can live anywhere.  They survive temperatures from - 450° to +300°F, pressures of the deepest sea, the vacuum of outer space and radiation many times what humans can endure. They have survived out of water for 30 years and were brought back to life.  How come you never heard of them?

. . . I found a list of the most popular affectionate names for a sweetheart?  Top Five starting with #1
Honey, Darling, Dear, Sweetie, Baby,   Are you one of these?

. . . lobster is a fancy way to eat butter?
. . . ordering a baked potato might just be all about satisfying your sour cream fetish.
. . . people who soak their clams with hot sauce might not really like clams.

. . . beware the Ides of March!

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