

A presbyter by definition is a priest or elder of a christian church.  The Presbyterian Church is one that evolved during the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century from the writings and teaching of John Calvin.  Calvin was a French Roman Catholic priest and theologian who fled to Switzerland during a period of religious violence against Protestant Christians.  He advocated reform in church government and liturgy.  He was a prolific writer espousing his ideas about many aspects of religious teaching.  His followers spread across Europe; most significantly into the British Isles.  The Presbyterian Church (USA) was brought here by English, Irish and Scottish immigrants.

Presbyterians believe in the sovereignty of God in all things;  that the Scripture is the word of God and that God's purpose for humanity can be found in the New Testament through the life of Jesus Christ.  The Presbyterian Church is governed by a combination of clergy and laity; both men and women.  The beliefs of the Church can be found in "The Book of Confessions."   It is left to the individual to interpret the writings in this book.

There are two million people in the U.S. who call themselves Presbyterians - worshiping in some 10,000 churches.  Here is a prayer used for opening of services in Presbyterian Churches on Easter taken from their Book of Common Worship.

God of all Glory,
on this first day you began creation,
bringing light out of darkness.
On this first day you began your new creation,
raising Jesus Christ out of the darkness of death.

On this Lord's Day grant that we
the people you create by water and the Spirit,
may be joined with all your works
in praising you for your great glory.

Through Jesus Christ,
in union with the Holy Spirit,
we praise you now and forever. Amen.

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