

The lake side of my walking path at Sharon Woods is decorated with turtles in the Spring and early Summer.   The turtles I see live in the fresh waters of the lake year 'round.  Rarely, I'll see one on shore.

I think they hibernate in the Winter; maybe digging themselves into the soil by the lake.   In the Spring, they come out and sit on felled trees in the water.  They stretch their necks out as far as they will go; then, one at a time, stretch out their legs to enjoy the suns warming rays.

There are dozens of types of turtles - I only know my turtles.  For the most part they get along with the ducks who also sun themselves on the logs.  A few times, I've seen a duck snapping at a nearby turtle.

My turtles are extremely afraid of predators and they evidently consider me a predator.  When I just stop to observe them, some will jump off the log into the water if I'm too close.  They're good swimmers but are limited because they breath like we do.  They'll dive under water but have to surface shortly to breath.  Sometimes they'll swim near the surface of the water with just their heads visible.

Turtles lay eggs.  I'm told that the sex of the offspring is dependent on the temperature maintained during incubation.  Don't try to cook a turtle egg, the white will not coagulate like fowl eggs.

I found this turtle along the walk a few weeks ago.  I'm not sure if it is the same kind that I observe in the water.  This one was afraid of me and pulled all appendages into the shell.


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