

KINGS 19:9A, 11-13A     PSALM 85     ROMANS 9:1-5     MATTHEW 14:22-33

In Matthews Gospel, where we have heard stories of Jesus teaching in parables for weeks now, we have a famous story.  Following a session where Jesus taught and then fed a multitude of people, He bade his disciples get into a boat and go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee.  He went by Himself to a secluded place to pray.  Then comes the famous story of the Apostles fearing for their lives when a storm came up on the sea; Jesus walking on water; Him inviting Peter to walk out to Him (Oh, ye of little faith); the Apostles each and every one affirming that Jesus must be God.

I want to focus not on the main story but the little note in the beginning.  "He went by Himself to a secluded place to pray."  Maybe He only did it to set up the test of His Apostles on the sea.  Maybe not.  Maybe He was teaching us something about prayer.  After He completed His work - teaching on the mountain - He went by Himself to pray.  No doubt the human Jesus was giving thanks to the Father for His work.  No doubt He was asking the Spirit to inspire Him.

Take that as the lesson this week.  Give thanks for your work.  Ask for help that you do it well.

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