

The Ohio River has swelled over its banks this week.  It's waters are encroaching on the riverfront recreation area.  It is expected to crest at 59.5 feet river depth by Tuesday.  Flood stage at Cincinnati is 52 feet measured at the Suspension Bridge since 1947.   Normal pool level is 25.2 feet - the Weather Bureau calls 40 feet the action level - it starts to intrude on us.

Here is a little recap of where the city has been in the past in it's struggle with the Beautiful Ohio.  I have selected the extremes since 1858. 

March 21, 1933  63.6 feet
April 18, 1948  64.8 feet
January 21, 1907  65.2 feet
March 11, 1964  66.2 feet
March 5, 1997  64.70 feet
February 15, 1883 66.30 feet
March 7, 1945  69.2 feet
April 1, 1913  69.9 feet
February 14, 1884  71.1 feet
January 26, 1937  80.0 feet

As you can see, the worst was 1937 -  it lasted into mid-February.  The river level crested at 80 feet - the highest ever recorded.  It is amazing that it is so much worse than any other.

Water can be both your friend and your enemy.  Respect it.  Like a wife, you can't live . . .

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