

GENESIS 22     PSALM 116     ROMANS 8     MARK 9:2-10

Every year on the second Sunday of Lent, the Church has us read one description of the Transfiguration or another.  This year we have Mark's version.  The Transfiguration is the event where Jesus takes Peter, James and John to the top of a mountain.  There, God temporarily transformed Him into a spiritual state - like nothing they had ever seen.  It was a glimpse of Heaven.  A look into the future. 

Interestingly, God enjoined them not to mention this event to anyone until after Jesus had died and risen from the dead.  What?  That must have been a 'far out' demand to be made on them.  Get a glimpse of Heaven but don't tell a soul.  Right!  They likely thought Jesus wouldn't die for another twenty or thirty years even though He had told them He came to Earth to die. 

So here we are on our journey through Lent again this year - just like every other year of our lives.  If you've been paying attention and have spent more than a decade or two on this rock, you might want to say, "Been there, done that."  But, unlike Peter James and John, we know what is to come.  So, for us this is different.  We don't have to keep anything a secret.  We get another chance to better prepare ourselves for what is to come.  Easter is in our future.  For us, this Lent is a "keep your eye on the prize" moment.  The Apostles were waiting for Jesus' death.  We are looking forward to ours.  Be prepared.

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