

On this date in 1935 - wait, first a history lesson.

World War I was fought for almost five years (1914-1919) between Germany, Austria-Hungry, the Ottoman Empire and the Allied Countries including France, British Empire, Russia (for a while), the U.S. in the latter years and many others.  The Allied Countries defeated the Germans and friends and a Peace Treaty was reached called the Treaty of Versailles.  The Treaty was signed by Germany and the major countries involved.  It said, in essence, that Germany had to pay for all the damage they caused and that they could not resurrect their military and could not be beligerant to their neighbors..

Now, on this date in 1935, Adolph Hitler violated the Versailles Treaty by ordering the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) reorganized.  A few weeks later, he ordered the conscription of men into their military reestablished. The world did nothing but complain.  A year later, March 1936, he had his military occupy the demilitarized zone established by the Treaty.  The world did nothing but complain. Two years after that, March 1938, Hitler's Germany annexed the country of Austria.  The world did nothing but complain.  A year later and World War II had begun.  73,000,000 people died as a result of that war.  There could be a lesson, here.


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