

This weekend we celebrate Palm Sunday.  One week before Easter. 

On this weekend this year, we will hear the story of the Passion of Jesus according to Mark.  Someone, as old as I, has read or heard these readings many times.  Yes, they are the story of Jesus and His death and resurrection.   But, it is also a story about the people of Jerusalem and, in particular, of the Apostles. 

The story starts with Jesus entering into the city on a colt - only the richest could afford such an animal.  The people of the city honored him with cheers and the waving of palms.  They rolled out the 'red carpet' for him.  A few days later, were these same people among those who called for His death?  The same who spared the life of a career criminal to take Jesus life?  Are we so easily swayed?  Are we subject to the mob mentality?  Are we afraid to stand up for what we believe?

The Apostles with whom Jesus shared His last meal all vowed their undying allegiance to Him.  Not long after, one totally betrayed Him.  Others went with Him to a garden and could not stay awake to protect Him.  And even His most trusted disciple, Peter, disowned Him before those who took Him capture.  Have we fallen asleep on Jesus?  Do we justify ignoring Him? 

This is what the Passion is about . . . not only Jesus, but with ordinary people like us. 

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