

You're familiar with Latitude and Longitude.  Those are the imaginary lines circling the Earth that everyone used to pinpoint a position before we had GPS.  Latitude lines travel East and West.  Longitude lines travel North and South.  Well, every place with the same Latitude should have about the same weather since they are the same distance from the Equator and poles.  Let's check that with Cincinnati. 

Cincinnati City Hall sits at about 39°6' north Latitude.  Cleveland, for instance, is at about 41°28'.  That ' number is read minutes - which are parts of a degree.  You get the picture.  Now for the fun, let's see where else the 39th parallel passes. 

Other places at about the same position of Latitude: 
The Spanish Island of Ibiza - an awesome resort.
The Italian Island of Sardinia - another great place to visit.
The Greek resort island of Lesbos - gorgeous resort
Through mainland Turkey just below the capitol city of Ankara
Across the northern tip of Iran and through Azerbaijan
Through Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan
Now comes China including Mongolia - don't all these places sound cold?
and finally, North Korea whose capital of Pyongyang is almost exactly on the same line as Cincinnati.

I think it's interesting as I watch the snow fall in southwest Ohio, how different the climates are for all of these places the same distance from the Equator.

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