

Last weekend we witnessed a royal wedding with the grandeur of the British aristocracy.  And the star of the show was . . . a person linked to Cincinnati; the Primate of the Episcopal Church; a preacher nonpareil.  One Bishop Michael Curry. 

The Reverend Curry gave us a sermon that was a treatise on 'love' at the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex; there can be no better subject at a nuptial ceremony.  He was the rector of the St. Simon of Cyrene Episcopal Church in Lincoln Heights, a subdivision of Cincinnati, for six years in the 1980s. (I made an entry in this blog on November 23, 2016 about this parish.)

Here are some snippets from his sermon that lasted twice as long as expected by the wedding planner.  Good words!

"There's power in love, don't underestimate it."

"Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, 'We must discover the power of love. . . the redemptive power of love.  And when we discover that, we will be able to make this world a new world.  Love is the only way."

"Jesus had founded the most revolutionary movement in human history; a movement founded on the  unconditional love of God for the world and the mandate to live that love."

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