

The situation in Northern Syria from where President Trump is extracting our troops is more complicated than most people realize.  Much of what happens on the global scene is complicated.  Having ALL the relative information is impossible. 

What actions countries take will always be in what they perceive as their best interest.  Politics, money, egos, prior promises, strategic advancement, etc. etc. etc. are all part of the equation.  Many  of these factors are unknown to the general public. 

In negotiations between countries, it is imperative that each party find positive reasons for their actions.  Many times, these reasons are not immediately apparent or are not what each side puts forth as their benefit. 

For instance, when the Soviet Union began placing intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in Cuba in 1962, a critical confrontation ensued between the U.S. and the Soviets ie President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev.  ICBMs can carry nuclear warheads and would be able to easily reach from Cuba almost all of the U.S.   We blockaded their ships headed for Cuba in international waters.   A standoff was created and 13 days of tense negotiations ensued.  The Soviets backed off and removed what missiles were already in place. 

Great job - well, maybe.  It was not made known to the general public until fifty years later that in those negotiations we agreed to remove or reduce missiles with nuclear warheads we had in Turkey which could easily reach Russia.  To some extent, secrecy was very important.  Kennedy was a hero.  Khrushchev was a hero with his military. 

The point is for us not to jump to any conclusion on the President's current actions in Syria.  Further,  it is imperative for both sides of a negotiation that some secrecy be kept.  Saving face is an important ingredient.   It is not ALWAYS the best for the public to know all of the details. 

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