

A brush with greatness!

I would guess that most all Americans are familiar with Alex Trebek.  He is the Canadian-born game show host of Jeopardy which has aired on TV for 56 years..  He comes off as astute, quick witted, glib and perfect for the job he owns.  He has all the answers and challenges others to come up with the questions.  It's rumored, tongue-in-cheek, that the way he got engaged to his wife of thirty years is to pop-the-answer"Yes!"  Correct response,"What is "Will you marry me?" 

Enough of that silliness.  What does he have to do with Cincinnati?  Well, as good as he is, he got fired here.  When Alex was a young man, his mother took a job as a governess for a wealthy local family.  Alex got a job here for the Summer with a construction company building and improving apartments.  His job was to keep the worksite and trailer in order, the completed apartment buildings cleaned up, trash put in cans, etc. - pretty much a garbageman.  Alex often found magazines in the trash -  he couldn't help himself - he'd stop to read them.  He didn't make it through the Summer - he was canned.  Maybe his stint in Cincinnati changed his life.

Mr Trebek is now in jeopardy - he is currently fighting stage 4 pancreatic cancer.  Pray for him.

FINAL JEOPARDY PART 1: Production Facts - Questions you should ...

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