

The largest city in the Republic of Ireland is Dublin, the capital.  The largest and tallest church building in all of the Republic is Saint Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin.  Here is some interesting information to the casual observer - me.

The original church was dedicated in 1191 (a long time ago) to God, Blessed Lady Mary and St. Patrick.  It was (and still is) more than a church; it is a school.  The real Saint Patrick actually baptized people at a well on this site.  The original construction went on through 1270.  It took on the status of cathedral in about 1220 even though there was already a cathedral in Dublin.  Saint Patrick's is the National Cathedral of the Church of Ireland but not the Cathedral of Dublin diocese.  

Yes, this church is not Roman Catholic as I had presumed.  It is a Church of Ireland - a Protestant Anglican Church.  The Cathedral identifies itself on it's website as both Catholic and Protestant; see stpatrickscathedral.ie.  

Confused yet?  Wonder where the drinking comes in?  Well, most the original building burnt to the ground several times.  You know - wood structure, lots of candles lighting it, school kids playing with matches.  The last time it was really rebuilt was in the 1860's.  This rebuilding was done by one Benjamin Lee Guinness at his own expense.  (Yes, that's the Guinness Brewery guy)   

The Guinness family continued to be instrumental in the welfare of the Cathedral.  Benjamin Lee's son Edward made major improvements in 1901.  Another son, Arthur, donated a stained glass window which depicted the biblical Rebecca at the Well.  It's motto below the window says, "I was thirsty and you gave me to drink."   Guinness grandchildren and great-grandchildren are still active in the church.  A bronze statue of Benjamin Lee Guinness graces the courtyard outside the church.  

St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin - WikipediaSt Patrick's Cathedral - Make Great Savings with The Dublin Pass

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