

Last Tuesday, I wrote about how hard it is for me to keep track of what day of the week it is.  Here's a problem for everyone that someone should take control of. 

This is 2020 AD.  AD stands for the Latin "Anno Domini" which translates to "The year of Our Lord."  The Year of the Lord was supposed to be Jesus' birth year - they probably got it wrong by 1 to 4 years.  No matter.  For the most part, the Christian world agrees this is 2020 AD.  

The years before Jesus was born are now noted by English speakers as "BC" which stands for "Before Christ".  Keep in mind that the calendar we use is not used by everyone.  We use the Gregorian Calendar named after Pope Gregory the XII.  Before this one, we had the Julian Calendar named after Julius Caesar.  Trouble was that it didn't quite take into account every minute it takes us to travel around the Sun and it kept getting off.  Pope Gregory gave us leap years which work pretty good but not perfect.

All that aside, you will note the the Asians use a lunar calendar and Jews use the Hebrew Calendar both of which have different starting dates.  No matter, that's not something that bothers me.  It is the trend I am seeing to change the year designation.  Non-Christians are substituting CE for AD.  They want nothing to do with Jesus birth.  CE stands for Common Era.  Makes me puke.  It still starts with Jesus birth but takes his name out of it.  BC is replaced by BCE i.e. Before the Common Era.  Resist this as long as you can.  


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