

 This weekend at Catholic mass you will hear three readings in which the authors talk about changes taking place - about alternate options.  This is an important fact; things and people can and sometimes do change over time.  The bad can turn to good as easily as the good can turn to bad.  

The thing we should realize from the readings this week is that Jesus and the Spirit came with the gift of hope.  Though life is a struggle, there is always hope.

Whether you fear for yourself or someone close to you; remember there is hope.  Don't be afraid to hope and don't be afraid to change for the better.  Do not give up.  Make the changes you know you should make.  Your past is never too bad.  Your future is never without hope.  

When Jesus came to earth, he selected a dozen special people to travel with him.  Not a one was a rabbi or had anything to do with the synagogue or religion in any way.  He chose mostly men who lived by fishing, one who was a tax collector (an evil job in those days) and one who was evidently a businessman since they gave him, Judas, the job of handling their finances.  You know how that worked out. 

No matter your station in life, no matter your relationship with God, no matter how your future appears to you, know that you can change if need be.  The Father didn't send Jesus here to save the holiest of men; the good people.  No, He came to save those who needed saving.  US.


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