I want to start off with a correction from last week's THIS N THAT entry. The note I made about Bill Gates and his wife was partially inaccurate. They have purchased the farmland in the quantity I mentioned (242,000 acres) and it does make them the largest farmland owners in America. I mixed another note with them that said they now owned a quarter of all the farmland in the country. Whoa! Far from it. There are about 2 million farms that use about 900 million acres of land in the U.S. 1.9 million of those farms are owned by small farmers. Sorry!
I've often remarked on the vastness of space. I am fascinated with space. Now, to balance your thinking, grab ahold of this one. A single human hair is approximately one million carbon atoms in width. How small is that? A million atoms, side-by-side, are the width of a hair. As big as space is big, so small is the inner universe.
While we're at it, when I was schooling back in the 1950's, we were so amazed that we had recently learned about the atom - protons, neutrons and electrons. We thought they were the smallest things in the world. Not so! Quarks of different kinds are inside the protons and neutrons - at least, that's what they say on the Big Bang Theory. You might even run into bosons, hadrons, and fermions. Just remember, that while there is a large group of people searching the vastness of the universe for answers about things far away, there are many scientists searching inside the atom for answers about things so very near.
I read where the average person laughs 10 times a day; sad people less, happy people more. Life hack: I manage to cross in front of a mirror as often as I can - laughing is good for you.
The dot over the letter "i" is called a tittle. You can also use that word to indicate anything that is very small, like "Paddy doesn't make a tittle of sense, sometimes."
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