

Last Monday, I did a blurb about over-priced things that really bugged me.  I got a little feedback.  

One of my beautiful daughters suggested that gas stations charging for air is despicable.  "Air should be free," she clamored, "It's everywhere!"   You notice that I said, 'gas' stations and not 'service' stations.  Back when we bought our gas at service stations, each had an air compressor which is necessary to fix and replace tires, clean dirty parts and cause the car lift to work.  Since they don't do that work at gas stations, that compressor and its maintenance and electricity are an extra cost.  You know, you can buy a little compressor at Walmart stores for $12.99 and put it in car for use when needed.  

Anyone else have a favorite overpriced product we are stuck with?   How about spectacles?  I hear the frames for eye glasses are so cheap to make it is embarrassing for the makers..


I didn't get any answers to this question in my THIS N THAT entry last week.  Is it a mystery or too easy?

Who knows how far you would have to travel to see all of the following?  1.)  The beach   2.)  Lost skins   3.)  A cabbage patch   4.)  A place to burn worms   5.)  A fried egg    6.)  A dance floor

Let me know.

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