

 You know that an explosion is what we call a bursting outward.  An implosion, is the opposite; it is a bursting or collapsing inward.  Bombs cause explosions, for instance but implosions are caused by something from the outside pushing inward or something from the inside deteriorating.  Enough.

The population of the United States is about 330,000,000.  That is about twice as many people as we had in 1950 (155,000 000).  When I was in elementary school, all the talk was about the population explosion and the effects of overpopulating the world.  How would we ever find food and water for all the people that would populate the world if we kept going the way we were?  By 1970, we were up to 200,000,000 and by 1990 we stood near 250,000,000.  We exceeded 300,000,000 in 2010.  The population explosion was a fizzle.  It didn't happen and science had kept our resources way ahead of our needs.  No problem!

Not so fast, my friends.  There are those that fear that we've tipped the balance too far to the other direction.  Too few children being born does not necessarily mean more resources available for everyone.  Too few children for too long means too few workers; too few tax payers; too few of everything that people do and  supply.  The slower the population is replaced by new people, the older the living population becomes.     There is a point where the population will implode.  Science could again be a help in staving off big problems by furthering the ability and use of robots.  What kind of a world would that be?

We need about 2.1 children for every woman during childbearing age to maintain our population.  Right now, we are failing by only producing 1.66 children per woman.  The pandemic and the egregious abortion rate have multiplied the problem.  

This problem blows my mind.  We don't seem to value children the way we should.  What's wrong with people?  The same people who mourn loudly for the death of children, promote killing children not yet born.  Crazy!  

My children were the greatest gift I have ever received.  

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