

 Happy Sonday.  It is the Lord's Day.  Give part of it to Him.

This is July 3 - one day before the birthday of our country.  Something almost as significant happened on this date.  The Battle of Gettysburg, a bloody three-day siege, ended this day.  It ended the bloodiest battle in our countries history.  There were 51,112 casualties; including 7,058 dead, over 32,000 injured and almost 11,000 captured or missing.  Americans killed and maimed other Americans to end slavery and preserve the Union.  The Constitution remained paramount almost 100 years after it was written and put into effect.  

Now our country teeters 150+ years after that battle.  It is being besieged again by those who want the Constitution to say more than it says or less than it says or different than it says.  Nine citizens with the epitome of legal education and experience have been named and have been tasked with the sometimes thankless job of interpretation of that Constitution.  Redress of their decisions is the purview of the Congress and or the Individual states; either or both have that opportunity.  Maybe if we went back to teaching Civics or Government to every student in our schools this would be understood more clearly by the masses.


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