

This is not only the day that I bring back old entries it is the birthday of our country.  Can you believe it is 246 years old?  That's older than me.  I'd like to plan a big party for this date in four years but I don't make plans that far ahead any more.  Incidentally, that birthday celebration should be known as the semiquincentennial even though that word is not in Merriam-Webster's internet dictionary.

I've written about July 4 many times since I started this blog.  Here is one from five years ago I like.  If you're bored, put independence into the search box and read all that I've said about the day over the years.  Many of them are very good to my liking.




Today is Independence Day for the United States of America.  It is a celebration.  It's not exactly freedom.  It just means we think we can get along on our own.  We don't need help from the outside. We can do it all by ourselves.  This is the day we declared this to be so.

In our personal lives, we do the same thing.  One day, we declare independence from our parents.  If this happens when we get married, we have a partner for joint independence.  If we leave home before marriage, we take all the risks upon ourselves.  If you're lucky enough to have living parents, it's gratifying to know they are nearby if needed.

This transition from dependent to independence from one's parents should not be an abrupt thing.  It needs to happen in stages over an extended period.  Though a parent may rue the day when the children leave, it is also most satisfying for them to know they have created children capable of being independent.

The independent country soon learns that it cannot exist or compete against all threats without the assistance of other countries.  That's why we have treaties and treaty organizations.  Countries ban together for their own protection both economically and militarily.

Independent people soon learn that they exist best with the help of other independent people.  A close tie with family and strong band of friends and neighbors is the best way to exist and compete against threats of all kinds.

So today, let's celebrate our nation's independence from foreign countries and we, our own independence from others.  Both must remember that it is safest to exist with good friends and neighbors and family.

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