

 ADD is Attention-Deficit Disorder.  ADHD is Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

I get the feeling this whole country is suffering from ADD.  I don't buy the hyperactivity aspect. As for the ADD, I can't decide if the mainstream media is feeding on the disorder or causing it.  In either case, here is my take on world news for your benefit.  

The Russia-Ukraine War is still raging.   The Russians are leveling the Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine using long range artillery and indiscriminately killing Russian-Ukrainians while they do it.  They will control it soon but there will be little to control.  Moving further south will be a problem for them because of logistics. 

In the Middle East, the Syrians are still killing each other.  I think Iran is still developing nuclear weapons and supporting Hamas and Hezbollah who are still poking and plotting to destroy Israel.  

We don't hear much about Africa but be aware that civil wars are ongoing in South Sudan, the Central African Republic, Northern Mozambique, Ethiopia and Cameroon to name a few.  Some armed fighting is going on in eleven other African countries. 

Now we get to the Far East (it's not so far any more) and our Chinese friends.  You know that they are oppressing the people of Hong Kong and threatening the people of Taiwan.  Don't forget that they are treating cruelly the Muslim sects in Western China, principally the Uyghurs, with internment, forced abortions, forced sterilization, torture and more.  The Chinese also have ongoing border armed disputes with neighboring India.  Further, they are squeezing the culture out of the people of Tibet by changing their school systems and taking away their religious practices. 

The governments of our 'closest' allies are all in turmoil.  The UK is preparing to elect a new Prime Minister, France's leader's party has lost control of that government, Germany's leader has been shown to be spineless, and Israel is scrambling to find a leader and party with a majority.  

Closer to home, Mexican and other Central American crime families are having a hayday with our southern border.  Drugs and people are moving here indiscriminately.  Our gluttony for drugs and our lack of border control has made them rich.  

Thats enough for today.

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