

What makes me crazy right now is this whole clean energy/dirty energy silliness.  Of course we all want clean energy - especially those rich people invested in clean energy projects, related industries and start-ups.  But in the end, most of us just want energy at a reasonable price.  

Well, we have, through edict, regulation and federal government fiat put the kibosh on a good portion of our energy industries.  It was only a couple years ago that we were totally energy independent.   Now we are buying oil and gas from our enemies and asking them to supply more.  

Sadly, we're not the only country which has backed itself into this corner.  All the same European countries that are attempting to aid Ukraine in it's battle with Russia have found that they now can't do without dirty fuels and the only place to get them is from Russia.  

Of course, the Russians are raising their prices and restricting how much they send to each.  When Winter comes, something big might happen because of these costs.  Some Germans are already paying up to six times what they had been paying for heating fuel.  

Russia ran their pipelines right down through Europe so they could easily distribute it.  In the US, we decided to stop our pipelines running from oil fields to refineries.  These refineries are now supplied by foreign oil - oil from Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Russia.  

We restrict making electrical energy from coal because the process is too dirty; we don't drill for more oil because oil is a dirty fuel and too dangerous to put in a pipeline; we restrict fracking for natural gas because we are convinced that clean energy sources are the only way to go.  And yet, we now buy these products from other countries who don't give a damn what they do to the environment.  All we did was shift the dirty work to other countries.  

I'm going to try to stay calm.  I think I got my Irish up. 

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