

 Recently, I read that Salman Rushdie was stabbed and seriously wounded while in New York City.  He is an Indian born British-American author and literary prize winner.  In 1988 he published something he called the Satanic Verses which some thought satirized the Islamic prophet Muhammed.  People of the Muslim faith perceived that the book blasphemed Muhammed and, as a result, a fatwa was issued against Mr. Rushdie.  The fatwa is an Islamic order or ruling in absentia.  In this case, the ruling called for his death.  He went into hiding for many years.  I'm not sure if the recent stabbing is related but I'd guess so.  Many Christians (including me) and others of many faiths, were sympathetic to Mr. Rushdie's plight and were shocked that the Islamic faith would do such a thing.  

I was thinking about this a few weeks ago when President Biden was pleased and proud to announce that a man named Ayman al-Zawahiri had been killed by an American drone strike in Afghanistan.  This man was the current supposed leader of al-Qaeda.  Al-Qaeda is designated as a terrorist organization.  Note that the Afghan government says that his body was not found.  

In January of 2020, President Trump was pleased and proud to announce that Iranian General Qasem Soleimani had been killed by a US drone strike in Baghdad.  He was the leader of their military Quds Force and considered Iran's second most powerful person.  Iran has been belligerent in the Syrian Civil War and promoting attacks by others on Israel.  

In May of 2011, President Obama was pleased and proud to announce that Osama bin Laden had been killed by American Special Forces in Pakistan.  He was the al-Qaeda leader apparently responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States and other atrocities in Europe and the Middle East.  

My mind now makes me wonder if we, as well as the Muslims, are want to issue a fatwa against our enemies.  We have no declared war at present.  Granted that these men, killed by America's hand, were part of an evil organizations which did evil things.  There was a time when everyone was due their day in court.  A fatwa makes one a judge, jury and executioner - no questions asked.  

Are there others that we have killed in this way?   Are these actions just the dirty part of being a great country that no one should see or question?   Something makes me unsettled about the whole picture.

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