

 Do you feel threatened by Russia and/or China?  Do you think people in those countries are threatened by the United States?  Do you think our leaders are threatened by Russia and/or China?  Do the leaders of Russia and/or China feel threatened by the U.S.?  

I'm here to answer the last question.  The answer is "Yes!"  Why do I say that?  Well, communism can only exist when it is on an all-or-nothing basis.  It requires obedience from everyone.  Communist regimes crack down on any and all dissenters.  The trick for them is to avoid and quickly squelch dissenters.  

Here comes the reason for them to be threatened by our capitalistic system.  They can't put up with their people wanting to have the freedoms we have.  They teach in their schools that our system will not work or, at least, that it cannot last.  Our very existence threatens them.  Our flourishing economy and way of life threatens them.  If their people see too much of it and realize what we have, they will want the same.

We are right to be wary of those that feel threatened by us.  Our way of life is good.  We have problems, but no system is better.  What is sad, is that our freedoms allow that we have universities indoctrinating students with the superiority of forced equality; the best values of socialism without the downside.  Socialism, according to Marx, was the transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the institution of communism.  Moreover, its crazy that some Americans would rather change our system to socialism instead of working, within our system, to improve what we have.  

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