

 Ever since the New Deal of FDR, programs of the 1930s designed to bring our country out of the Great Depression, America has been part of a pyramid scheme - a Ponzi Scheme if you will.  Like all schemes of this sort, it works without hitch until you don't have enough new units at the bottom of the pyramid.  That's when the problems begin.  Just ask Bernie Madoff.

In this case, those things at the bottom of the pyramid in America are people - working people.  Since the 1970s, we have been producing fewer children than it takes to sustain our population.  That's a big problem.  Immigrants have helped to make up for some of that loss.  That's one reason why immigrants are so important to us.   If we don't have enough population gains through babies plus immigrants to bolster our work force, that deficiency will eventually bring our economy crashing down.

Can we go on like we are forever?  No!  Can we put off the problem for a long time?  Yes!  

A population that is self-confidant in it's existence has fewer children.  That's us.  A population that is selfish has fewer children.  That's also us.   All the same goes for immigrants.  A population that is selfish might unduly restrict immigration.  If we're not going to have more babies, we need immigrants - legal immigrants for our economic well-being.  Make no mistake about that.  We must create a proper channel for immigration that includes assimilation assistance. . . for the sake of our children.  

Now, we have to separate the overwhelming tragedy that is happening at our southern border from legal immigration or find a way to make the two to work together.    I think that if we could limit the number of places immigrants can enter from the south and put enough resources into processing and assimilation, we could surely solve the problem.  

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