

For the day following our elections in which, it seems, many Democrat candidates were successful by using the "women's right" and "anti-abortion" theme against their opponents, this Litany is fitting.  It is the work of Father Frank Pavone.  It is shortened here and available in it's entirety on the web.

God the Father, Creator of the world - - Have mercy on us!
God the Son, through whom all things were made - - Have mercy on us!
God the Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life - - Have mercy on us!
Lord Jesus, the Beginning and the End - - Have mercy on us!
Lord Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life - - Have mercy on us!
Lord Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life - - Have mercy on us!
Lord Jesus, Eternal Word of Life - - Have mercy on us!
Lord Jesus, living in the womb of the Virgin Mary - - Have mercy on us!
Lord Jesus, Lover of the poor and weak - - Have mercy on us!
Lord Jesus, Defender of the helpless - - Have mercy on us!
Lord Jesus, Bread of Life - - Have mercy on us!
For every sin against life - - Have mercy on us!
For the daily killing of innocent babies - - Have mercy on us!
For the bloodshed throughout our land - - Have mercy on us!
For the silent screams of Your children - - Have mercy on us!
For the killing of Your future disciples - - Have mercy on us!
For the exploitation of women by abortion - - Have mercy on us!
For the silence of Your people - - Have mercy on us!
For the apathy of Your people - - Have mercy on us!
For the co-operation of Your people in this tragedy - - Have mercy on us!

For our pre-born brothers and sisters killed by abortion - - Lord, hear our prayer
For mothers who have had abortions - - Lord, hear our prayer
For the fathers of aborted babies - - Lord, hear our prayer
For all who assist and cooperate in abortions - - Lord, hear our prayer

For all God's creations - - Lord, hear our prayer

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