

 Here are a few things I've discovered recently.  

There is a place off our East Coast called Bald Head Island, North Carolina.  Not sure how it got it's name but I think it's one of those places where cars are not allowed.  There's not much of a town to visit and not many eating establishments.  If you like to walk the beach, listen to the ocean or sit on a porch and read, this could be the place for you.  I'm guessing the clientele is on the older side.  

To bake a potato properly; you should wash an Idaho, coat it with extra virgin olive oil and put it in the oven set for 450° F  for 50 minutes.  (That's very hot).  If you have an air fryer, that might change everything.  I know this, doing them in a microwave leaves something to be desired.  

There is a YouTube music video called "Weightless" by Marconi Union.  It was produced by a sound therapist that claims it will reduce anxiety by 65%, slow your heartbeat, reduce your blood pressure and lower cortisol levels.  It claims it will put you to sleep.  Give it a try.

I read that there have never been so many people diagnosed with depression.  I'm guessing that loneliness is a pervasive problem in our society.  I'd also guess there have never been so many pets (dogs and cats) kept in our homes; they are substituting for human company.   I have a song on my phone by Rod Stewart called "You're in My Heart"  and I love the bridge that goes:  "You're in my heart, you're in my soul, you'll be my breath when I grow old, you are my lover, you're my best friend; you're in my soul."  Best friends do get into your soul.  I'm so lucky to live with mine.  

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