

Here's something I know because I'm old.  There was a time in politics when you could be a Liberal Republican or a Conservative Democrat.  Sounds crazy, doesn't it.?  

This can't happen today.  The Parties have become synonymous with the total belief system associated with one or the other.  You could get berated by Republicans if you are a Republican and only partially conservative - by that I mean only hold firm to some of the conservative ideals.  They would call you a Rino - Republican in name only.  I feel the Democrats have the same feelings.

This shouldn't be.  Why is everything all or nothing?  The parties don't stand for anything outside the realm of Liberal or Conservative thinking.  Those monikers have come to include everything that the government does.  You name anything the government does and the Liberals can tell you what a Liberal would do.  You name anything the government does and the Conservatives can tell you what a Conservative would do.   There must be a playbook for each hidden somewhere in D.C.

This is part of the great divide in our country.  I don't think it is the cause but just one of the results.  Red states and Blue states - Democrat cities and Republican suburbs - young Liberals and old Republicans - it can't be that simple.  

I think everyone should try to think for themselves.  Sure, that sounds easy but I doubt it can be done. 

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