

I've been thinking a lot about my past; the phases of my life.  It's amazing how I've been so into things, so very fervently into them and then dismiss them.  Not sure if I've dismissed all of them - some I've just outgrown or out-aged.

Once, I was so into playing basketball that I neglected more important phases of my life.  Now, I dribble no more.  

Once, I was so into coaching kids that I spent untold hours just planning and thinking about it.  Now, I coach no more.

Once, I was a voracious reader of novels.  Now, I have trouble reading anything longer than a twitter.

Once, I was so into playing softball that I couldn't wait for the next game - which for many years was more than one night a week.  Now, I hardly think of it.

Once, I was so into my art work that I did some almost every day.  Now, I can't bring myself to pick up a brush.  

Once, I was so into walking and lifting that I felt bad if I missed a day.  Now, it's a strain to go for a short walk.

I was very into this blog for a lot of years and would never miss a day.  Now, I glance at this computer as I walk by the room where it sits - that's about all I do; just glance at it.  

Okay, now I'm depressing myself.  I shouldn't!  Putting away much of this trivial stuff is not a bad thing - it's just maturing.  Wisdom tells me to take stock of my life, think of all the things I do, shuck those that are trivial and keep my eyes on the big things.  That's my aim for today.  It could be yours, too.

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