I just got off the phone with a friend I've known for over 65 years. He lives in Kentucky by Lake Cumberland. His name is Keith.
Like most of my OLD friends, he has difficulty hearing. That's putting it mildly. In addition, like many of my OLD friends, he is averse to delving into modern technology. If he owns a hearing aid, I'm unaware. Also, he uses an ancient cell phone. He topped out at the flip-phone level.
I must admit that my hearing is not as sharp as it once was but I seem to get by better than most my age for now. Maybe my lip-reading skills are improving.
Back to the phone call: it is almost painful to carry on a conversation with him over the phone. He talks very loudly and non-stop. He doesn't give me a chance to say anything. He evidently doesn't hear me trying to get a word in edgewise. If I have something important I want to tell him, I start off by saying, "Keith, shut up for a minute and listen!" It sounds rude when you read it but I assure you it is necessary. He takes no offense.
I'm telling you this so that you remember that my day is coming. Old age deteriorates your body and all it's functions. There will come a time when my hearing is as bad as Keith's. I promise not to be upset if you yell, "Hey, shut up for a minute and listen!"
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