

In Matthew's gospel, he records that one day Jesus, early in his public life, had a large number of people following him near the shore on the north end of the Sea of Galilee because he had been performing miracles.  He climbed the highest hill in the area so he could speak to them.  He gave them what we commonly call the Sermon on the Mount.  In it, Jesus told these common people what was expected of his followers and what they could expect if they did follow him.  The gist of the teaching he gave them is what we call the Beatitudes.  

Briefly, he told them that no matter how down and out they were, following him would lead them to where they wanted to be; that those who were poor in spirit would find the Kingdom of Heaven, those who mourn would be comforted, those who are meek and try to be righteous will find all they need on earth,, those who were merciful would receive mercy, those who were peacemakers would be children of God, and those who were persecuted for God's sake would spend eternity with Him in Heaven.

It's good to be reminded of these things when we are down and out. When the Apostles first went about spreading the gospel, they called their movement "the way".   It is 'the way'.

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