

 This is not about odds and ends but about betting.  Betting is determining in your mind the likelihood an event will occur and then being willing to part with something in the hopes that it does or does not. 

The most likely does not always occur.  Any gambler will verify that. There are people who spend their lives making decisions about outcomes, mostly in sports, and they are willing to part with something valuable in hopes that they know better than you.  Well, they usually do.  In the long run, you cannot beat the pros.

Enough of that tripe.

Today, I want to pass on some odds that you may not know.  

The odds of you dying in a plane crash are 11 million to one.  Only one person out of 11 million flying in airplanes is likely to die from a crash.  Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

Here's another:  

The odds of a golfer scoring below 80, playing golf on a full size course, is one out of 11 trillion.  Only one golfer out of 11 trillion playing legitimately scores below 80 for 18 holes on a standard course.  Wow!

This little ditty tells us that you are a million times more likely to die in a airplane crash than playing good golf.  This is satisfying to me -  it means I'm not alone playing golf poorly.  

Have a happy New Year golfing friends!

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