

Last Thursday it was so warm here that I got a chance to take a walk in the park at lunch. It was my first lunch walk of the year and, I think, it is earlier in the year than any I have taken in the last ten years that I have been doing it.

As I was heading for the lake, I caught sight of something I had not seen there before. In the distance I saw white birds on the lake and flying above it. These weren't the domestic ducks that always hang out here...these birds were different. For the first time in ten years, a flock of sea gulls was visiting my pond. I have seen one or two gulls in Ohio before but never at this lake. There were about fifteen of them there at this time and two of those were soaring and swooping for fish. The mallards, who call this lake home, were so amazed that they were all standing on the shore watching. I think they had never seen a large bird fly that way. Two Canada Geese lumbered overhead, honked once or twice, but decided not to land at the lake. What a first walk I had. Could I be HDT reincarnated?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That's not Walden Pond - It's a water runoff retention pond.