

Vitamins are necessary for all animal life and are manufactured naturally by our bodies.  For some reason, usually diet, you may need to supplement them artificially.  Know that vitamins B and C are soluble in water and thus easily eliminated by the body.  These would need to be taken regularly if a deficiency exists.  Vitamins A, D, E, and K are non-soluble and thus retained by the body. Taking these when not needed could be harmful because the body cannot easily eliminate them.  Overdoses of the soluble vitamins could be harmful.  Here is some info gleaned from my medical references.

The B vitamins are most critical for our bodies but, if you eat a good diet, you should seldom need to supplement them except for life-changing experiences like pregnancy.   B-1 is Thiamine.  It is vital to nerve cells and is destroyed by alcohol.  Cops know this!  B-2 is Riboflavin and you are rarely deficient but deficiency may be related to the frequency of migraines.  B-3 is Niacin and you are rarely deficient.  It also effects nerve cells; this time those related to arteries.  B-6 is Pyridoxine.  Again, people are rarely deficient in this vitamin and it also effects nerve cells - this time related to the brain.  B-9 is Folic Acid.  It comes to us through beans, oranges and leafy greens.  It is especially important for pregnant women.   B-12 is Cyanocobalamin (that's a mouthful) and people are commonly deficient who follow a vegan diet.  If you eat any dairy products at all, you probably don't need this vitamin.  It effects nerve cells related to bone marrow and blood production.  There are other vitamins of the B-Complex group but people are rarely deficient.

Off-the-shelf daily vitamins usually contain a full compliment of B-Complex vitamins in dosage that can't hurt you.  To take more than what is supplied there, consult your physician.

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