

You may have known that "Madam, I'm Adam" when read in reverse is "Madam, I'm Adam"  These were the first words Eve ever heard.

But did you know that "upside down" when read upside down is "umop apisdn"  Go ahead, turn your phone or tablet or computer around and try it if you don't believe me.

              _________________ /  o  o \
    ~   /                                         \  = ` =/
         \       ____________\  __/
            |      |                        |     | 
            6      6                        6     6                                                                      

Check this out.  For most of my life, I was considered a left brained person . . . very logical, very analytical, math and numbers oriented, loved languages.  Then, about 20 years ago, my right brain started sneaking into the picture.  For some unknown reason, I started painting pictures, writing a blog, thinking out of the box.  None of this is very interesting, I know but here comes the kicker, the coup de gras, so to speak.

I have very little hair on my head - none on the top.  I shave the hair on the sides of my head myself. Well, I have noticed for in the last 20 years or so, the hair on the right side of my head grows faster than the hair on the left side.  Do you think all of this 'right brain' activity is causing the hair to grow faster on that side of my head?  I might have something here.  This may be a clue to curing the male baldness problem.

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