

One of the great words of the English language is INTEGRITY.   It seems to me that it is a word that almost everyone knows but seldom, if ever, uses.  It is a word that many would find hard to define.

George and Charles Merriam, in their expansion of Noah Webster's lexicon, define it thusly:  "a noun" meaning "a firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values. Incorruptibility" or "an unimpaired condition. Soundness" or "the quality or state of being complete or undivided. Completeness."   Yes, Incorruptibility, Soundness and Completeness.

Before I go on, think of everyone you know who might be described as living with integrity.  Were any of them politicians?   Well, excuse me, I digress.

Back to the definition of integrity.  Here is my attempt at describing it.  Maybe it will expand or shrink your list of people with integrity.  I think of it simply as "a quality of a person who does the right thing no matter who or even if no one is watching or will ever know."  My hope is that this will make it more understandable to young people and inspire them to achieve it.  Almost nothing could be better than to hear one say, "He lives with integrity."


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