

I came across a website named Solari (financial advisers) by a Katherine Austin Fitts. One of the concepts they talk about is the Popsicle Index. It is a measure of the quality of life you can expect to have in a given community. The index reflects how many people would feel safe in letting their children leave their home alone, walk or bike to the nearest store, buy a popsicle and return. (Of course, very young and very old children would not count.) If half of the people in your community would feel safe doing that, the index for your community would be 50 (as in 50%). If three quarters of the people would feel safe, the index would be 75. The question for the community to discuss then becomes, "What will it take to bring our index to 100?" Most communities, I'm sure, would be hear zero.

The discussion would take into account how far it is to a store. Another part of the equation has to do with sidewalks and vehicular traffic. Mostly, I think, the concern would be safety from human predators - bullies, teen gangs and perverted adults. It would be a good topic of discussion for every community to undertake. What is your neighborhood's Popsicle Index? Do we change our communities or just wait for Mr. Softee?

When I grew up, it was 100 in my neighborhood. Kids of all ages could walk or bike to the local stores - do it every day - even do it without asking permission. We had little stores interspersed in the neighborhood. I didn't know how lucky I was.

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