

This weekend at Catholic mass we celebrate the Feast of Epiphany.  Here are some things to think about concerning this event which you may have glossed over in the past.

First, the word itself.  The Epiphany refers to the Three Kings or Magi or Wise Men visiting Jesus shortly after His birth and bringing him gifts.  At its basis, the word epiphany means a sudden realization or discovery; a revealing moment.  And so it was.  How shocking it must have been to Mary and Joseph when these absolute strangers arrived bearing gifts.

The Three Kings traveled afar;  they came from the East.  Even though your creche may include them, I'm sure the Wise Men never saw Jesus in the manger.  Think of this, these learned men knew the child was to be born from the writings of the prophet Isaiah, they read that Samuel predicted there would be a star and that the prophet Micah foretold that the birth would be in Bethlehem. They no doubt arrived months if not a year after the birth.  When they arrived they couldn't find Him in Bethlehem so they went to Herod to learn where He was.  Matthew's gospel indicates the star then directed them to Him; "in a house," probably in Nazareth.  They found Him in the home with the door open.

The above are just the technical things.  Here is another fact to ponder.  These Wise Men were not Jews - yet they came to homage the King of the Jews.  How strange this must have been.  Not Jews means Gentiles.  It took the Apostles some time after Jesus' death to come to grips with the fact that Gentiles would follow Jesus and could be included with their followers.  I suppose they never knew that some of the first to adore Him were non-Jews.

Gold, frankincense and myrrh they brought.  Gold we know; frankincense and myrrh not so much.  Turns out they are both herbals with medicinal properties.  They were brought for the physical well-being of the child - wealth and health provided by gentiles.

So what have we learned from the Magi?  1. We should seek the Christ.  You know where to find Him. Learn from Scripture.  2. We should come with whatever we have to offer.  3. Everyone is welcome. 

Come any time of the day, His door is open.

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