

 A week of firsts!  

  • I had my first pedicure! 
  • I'm attending my first baby shower today!  
  • I had my driveway repaired and seal-coated for the first time ever (since it was rebuilt).
  • I bought a skillet!
  • I played 36 holes of golf with the same ball!

Young people have started back to school.  Trauma for some young parents - exhilaration for others.  School speed zones are in effect!

Our Reds were swept by the KC Royals; managed to split with the Blue Jays, and were drubbed by the Pirates to start a weekend series.  Joey Votto officially retired. 

The Bengals completed a perfect pre-season schedule with a third straight loss.  It's not the first time they've accomplished this feat. Not to worry!  Now comes the long wait for the season to start.  

The DNC showed everyone how to get behind a candidate even if you wanted someone else to run.  Now the real test begins.  Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr dropped out of the race for lack of funds and urged followers to vote for Republican Donald Trump.

Although the incursion into Gaza continues, Israel and it's Muslim enemies seem to be standing in place with guns drawn.  Are they preparing for a fight or looking for the better part of valor?  

On the other hand, the Ukrainians are poking the bear in it's side by taking the conflict onto Russian soil.  Ukraine is now equipped with American F-16 fighter jets.  The war has changed it's tenor; Ukraine has the momentum for now.  The war will stay hot until the Winter weather bogs down both sides. 

Those who know these things are now sure the FED will lower interest rates, in steps, the rest of the year.  Inflation is coming under control.  Borrowers should be happy; savers, not so much.  It's all coming just in time for election season. 

Tomorrow is the Lord's Day!  

1 comment:

Stacey said...

What a great list of firsts!