

I've had a storm door that hasn't fit real well for about twenty years. It was one of those nagging things that I tried to fix many times. I just couldn't get it to work right for very long. It has a background.

I was supposed to go away for a week to a managers meeting, back in 1990 or thereabouts. We had these meetings once a year at a resort in the Smokey Mountains. A guy from the Dayton area was going to pick me up on a Sunday evening so that we could travel together. I had purchased a new front door and a storm door that I was going to replace myself. I started the installation on that Sunday morning. Things didn't work out the way I projected. I was beginning to panic by mid afternoon. I was really going crazy by late afternoon.

Here was my house with no front door. I couldn't leave it that way but I had to go to the meeting. Yikes, what pressure. The installation left a little to be desired. I finished (well, sort of finished) just as my ride arrived . . . at least the doors were up and could be locked.

I finally fixed it the other night . . . I think. Better late than never!

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