

This weekend at Catholic mass services you will hear a reading from John's gospel in which He recounts part of a conversation Jesus had with His Apostles after the Last Supper.   In the dialogue, Jesus affirms to them that He is "one with the Father" - that He is God.  He has told them this before but it is still hard for them to understand - to believe.

He starts by explaining that He was leaving them and going to his Father's house (Heaven).  He told them that they should follow Him.  One of the group, Thomas of course, said they didn't know the way to His father's house - how could they get there?  Jesus said, "I am the way."  Then Phillip asked how would they know the Father if they saw him.   Jesus then asked if they didn't believe that "I am in the Father, and the Father is in me."   They were still shaking their heads.

These people walked the Earth day and night with Jesus for up to three years and still they didn't understand.  Don't feel bad if you don't understand everything.  The concepts of God, the Trinity, life everlasting, and how we fit into this world are hard for we humans to grasp - to grok.  The one thing we should all do is try to know God - more than anything else - learn about and know Him.  All else will follow - He is the way.

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