

This weekend at Catholic services you will hear Luke's account of the meeting between a man who was a tax collector (a very dishonorable job at the time) and Jesus.  This man heard that Jesus was coming into his town and he wanted to get a good look at him.  Because he was very short in stature, the man climbed a tree so he could see over the crowd.  As he was passing by on a donkey, Jesus looked up at the man in the tree and invited himself to stay at the man's house.  Shock of all shocks!   The man didn't know Jesus but he was wealthy and had plenty to offer him.  He was glad that Jesus had chosen him.

Well, Jesus' disciples and friends who were traveling with him were not amused.  They couldn't believe that Jesus would stay with a tax collector who everyone knew was skimming money and high-pressuring the citizens of that town for payments.

So, what did Jesus say to that?  He said he didn't come here to preach to those who are always good; always honest.  There's no value in saving the saved.

This tax collector agreed to repay all that he had stolen from the people and to give to the poor more than he had taken.   It is good for us to remember that we are called to spread the word to all people - not just those who already agree with us.

Everyone wish Joe Fuhrman a happy birthday, today!

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