

On Sundays I usually write about something I think is unique or interesting about the City of Cincinnati or surrounding area.  I've always put the city in a positive light.  Today . . . well, I'm not sure.

A note on my Face Book page led me to a song about Cincinnati of which I was never aware.  It is called Cincinnati Dancing Pig.  I kid you not.  Are you shocked?

My shock didn't stop there.  In case you think this is some obscure, children's song or the like, you should know that it was recorded by Red Foley, crooner Vic Damone and Tennessee Ernie Ford.  Are you shocked yet?

If not, sit down for this factoid.  This little ditty, by Vic Damone, was a hit and made it to #11 on the charts in 1950.  That's 'number eleven' all over the country!  People were paying for this record or, at least, asking for it to be played on the radio.  Maybe World War II did something to the country.  Maybe more men lost their hearing than we know.

I don't know how this got by me.  Maybe, you remember this and I'm the only one surprised by this whole essay.  Cincinnati Dancing Pig by Vic Damone was one the songs in the 2001 Drew Barymore movie "Riding in cars with boys." 

By the way, why have I never heard of this song?  I was five in 1950.  Could it be because all the locals are embarrassed by it?  There's a good chance.

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